Nose lip fold

Everybody’s got a nose lip fold. This is the fold that runs from the side of your nose to the corner of your mouth. This line gets deeper as you get older. This is because your cheekbones sink down over the years, giving your cheek more volume and makes it hang on the nose lip fold. This eventually causes the line to get deeper and deeper. This process starts at the age of 25. At that time, your skin already produces less collagen and hyaluronic acid. Many people don’t like a deep nose lip fold. It would give a tired look. What’s more, this deep crease between your nose and lips makes you look older. It is therefore understandable that many people choose to have the nasolabial fold filled. With a filler treatment, the plastic surgeon can easily reduce the nasolabial fold. The result is a younger and more equipped appearance.

The consultation

For a nose lip fold treatment at Betan Clinics, a consultation will be scheduled first. You will receive a digital medical questionnaire in advance. It is important to fill in all these questions truthfully. They will help you determine whether a treatment is safe with you. Possible complications can be discovered in advance. The plastic surgeon will discuss the results of the medical questionnaire with you during the consultation. He or she will also discuss in detail how the nasolabial fold treatment goes, what results you can expect and whether there are any risks. This information will help you make an informed decision about how to treat your nasolabial fold. If you agree, you will need to sign a treatment agreement. The plastic surgeon will then take some pictures of your nose lip fold. These will later be compared with photos taken after the treatment. In this way, the plastic surgeon can see whether the operation has been successful.

The treatment

Filling a nose lip fold is done in different ways. Often, a treatment with fillers is chosen. These are made from the body’s own substance hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid ensures that the skin is supple. The older you get, the less hyaluronic acid your body produces. In that case, you can supplement this deficiency with water-based fillers and a hyaluronic acid gel. This creates a natural effect. The fillers are injected by the plastic surgeon of Betan Clinics with a very fine needle. Often, multiple injections are needed so that the fillers are well distributed. The plastic surgeon massages the skin where the fillers have been injected to ensure optimal distribution. The injection of fillers can be sensitive. That is why At Betan Clinics, we usually use the anaesthetic lidocaine. This works well with fillers containing hyaluronic acid. In addition, the plastic surgeon can also opt for Radiesse fillers. This consists of a gel and calcium hydroxylapatite. This combination ensures that more collagen is produced in the skin after the injection. This is a substance in the body that ensures that your skin remains supple. As you get older, the amount of collagen decreases, resulting in wrinkles. Thanks to Radiesse fillers, this deficiency is easily replenished. These fillers are also injected with a thin needle. In total, treatment of the nasolabial fold takes about 15 to 30 minutes. It is, therefore, a treatment that can be carried out quickly.

After treatment

Reducing your nose lip fold is not a major treatment. You will therefore not suffer much from it afterwards. After the treatment, you often have red and swollen skin. These symptoms disappear within a few hours. In addition, you may suffer from bruising. These will disappear within a few days. You can camouflage them with make-up after the first day. Don’t do this immediately after the treatment, because your skin still needs rest. There are also a few other prescriptions. For example, avoid direct sunlight for the first 2 weeks. The use of a sunbed or sauna is also strongly advised against. Finally, you may not visit the beautician for two weeks for skin treatments such as exfoliation, peeling and lasering. These can have harmful effects on the treated skin. After 2 weeks, the skin will have fully recovered, and you will no longer have to take it into account.

The result

You can see the result of treatment of the nasolabial fold with fillers immediately. However, you still have to wait a while to be able to judge the final result properly. After 2 weeks you can come back for a checkup appointment. During the checkup appointment, the plastic surgeon will accurately assess the result. If there is a follow-up treatment needed, then the plastic surgeon can do this during the checkup appointment. Subsequently, the effect of the fillers will remain about 12 to 18 months. After that, you can come back for a new treatment of your nose lip fold. Please note that the effect of fillers is different for everyone. For one person the result will stay longer than for another. If the fillers have already worked out, you can, of course, come back for a follow-up treatment. In this way, you prevent the nose lip fold from returning completely.

The risks

There are few risks involved in filling your nose lip fold. Non-permanent fillers are used at all times. This means that the fillers can be broken down completely in your body. This is not the case with permanent fillers, and therefore, they can cause nasty complications. With non-permanent fillers, you don’t have to be afraid of that. Moreover, Betan Clinics uses fillers based on natural substances, such as hyaluronic acid and calcium hydroxylapatite. Your body will not react negatively to this. Allergic reactions, for example, are rare. If there is an increased risk for you, this will always be discussed during the consultation and possibly apart from a treatment of the nose lip fold with fillers. Of course, the plastic surgeons At Betan Clinics, do not take any risks in this case. Luckily for most people, the risk of complications is almost zero and treatment of the nose lip fold can be carried out without any problem.

Why choose a nose lip fold treatment at Betan Clinics?

Highest quality and safety

Quality and safety always come first

An experienced plastic surgeon

Betan Clinics employs an experienced plastic surgeon with a high academic title. The plastic surgeon guarantees 100% attention and attention to detail.

Free consultation

Always a free 30-minute consultation. At home, you will receive a digital medical questionnaire in advance, so that the plastic surgeon has all the time during the consultation to discuss your questions and wishes.

Latest techniques

The latest, advanced treatment techniques for the best results.

Natural results

Less is more: preserving natural results. Together with you, the plastic surgeon will draw up a personal treatment plan that fully meets your wishes and produces a natural result.

Evening and weekend

Evening and weekend treatments

Reachable 24/7

Reachable 24/7 in case of complaints after the operation

Highest quality and safety

Quality and safety always come first

Latest techniques

The latest, advanced treatment techniques for the best results.

An experienced plastic surgeon

Betan Clinics employs an experienced plastic surgeon with a high academic title. The plastic surgeon guarantees 100% attention and attention to detail.

Natural results

Less is more: preserving natural results. Together with you, the plastic surgeon will draw up a personal treatment plan that fully meets your wishes and produces a natural result.

Reachable 24/7

Reachable 24/7 in case of complaints after the operation

Evening and weekend

Evening and weekend treatments

Free consultation

Always a free 30-minute consultation. At home, you will receive a digital medical questionnaire in advance, so that the plastic surgeon has all the time during the consultation to discuss your questions and wishes..

How much does a nose lip fold treatment at Betan Clinics cost?​

At Betan Clinics a nose lip fold treatment is only performed by an experienced plastic surgeon and with the best A-brand hyaluronic acid fillers. A nose lip fold treatment is possible from € 450, – including consultation and check-up. This is a very competitive price for a treatment that is performed qualitatively well and safely by a plastic surgeon with a high academic title.

Each treatment is tailor-made for you. This means that the plastic surgeon will draw up a personal treatment plan for you in line with your wishes and expectations. The plastic surgeon always gives honest and sincere advice. Would you like more information about a nose lip fold treatment? Then please contact us free of charge: call or send us a message on Whatsapp at +3150 211 3 876. We are available 7 days a week until 22:00 hours.

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The benefits of Betan Clinics

dr. Volkan Tanaydin

Dr. Volkan Tanaydin, MD, PhD, PharmD

Big number: 59910764601

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